Writing sales emails is an important part of building your business. That’s because despite the claims that email marketing is no longer a solid form of connecting with your prospects, the statistics disagree.
According to Snov.io, in 2020:
- An average of 306.4 billion emails were sent and received per day.
- The average email click-through-rate (CTR) was 2.6%.
- The average unsubscribe rate was only 0.1%.
That said, if you want to up your email marketing game, it’s important that you send well-written emails to your prospects. Because email marketing goes beyond mere communication. When done well, email marketing has the power to entice your reader, build brand loyalty, and grow your sales.
But remember: Not every sales email needs to contain a pitch. They can also be informative or educational.
So, how do you write sales emails well? It can be tough to get your footing so we’ve created some templates below that will help you get started.
But before we do that, let’s first explore the four elements that every great sales email needs.
The Important Elements of Every Sales Email
An email that inspires sales needs a few things to be “good.” Do you know what they are?
You may already be including them in your sales emails and didn’t realize what they were called. But while it’s one thing to include these elements, getting them right is another thing entirely. Each element requires compelling copy to interest your reader. Without it, these messages fall flat or—worse—you become an inbox annoyance that gets deleted or ignored.
So, treat each of these elements with the care and thought that they deserve.
Subject Line
You have 27 seconds to make a positive first impression. At least in person.
When it comes to email?
You’ve got a subject line.
This is a short phrase and its sole purpose is to entice your readers to open your email. When your subject line is bland, your leads will ignore your message—and may even delete it without reading it at all. But a good subject line will evoke an emotion like FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) and inspire your lead to click. As a general rule of thumb, subject lines should be no longer than 40 characters. Emojis in subject lines are also increasing in popularity and may inspire more opens.
Preview Text
Have you ever noticed that after the subject line comes an additional line of copy you can read for more information? Called preview text, this segment of copy can provide background information on your subject line. Don’t go thinking that this sentence can be boring, though. Similar to your subject line, the preview text should evoke a strong emotion from your reader—happiness, curiosity, and even frustration are all examples of how you could make your reader feel through preview text. Most inboxes allow up to 140 characters (including spaces) as a preview line.
According to Snov.io, the average email open rate is 18%. And if you crafted the perfect subject line and preview text to encourage opens, that’s great news! But once readers are inside your email it’s time to inform, educate, or pitch your offering—so the work isn’t over yet! Follow these rules as you write your body copy in your sales email:
1. Avoid jargon
Do you find yourself using industry terms and jargon when you write emails? Avoid this. Instead, you want to write how you’d speak, being as conversational in your digital communications as possible. While there is nothing wrong with showing your customers or potential customers that you’re an industry expert, you’ll lose them if they can’t understand what you’re saying.
2. Remain active
A passive voice will use words and phrases like am, was, are, and should be. But this weakens your copy and will not entice your reader to make a purchase. Instead, begin your sentences with more interesting words like discover, increase, get, or activate. Not only are these words more stimulating for your readers, they also inspire curiosity and clicks.
3. Keep copy brief
Ever opened an email and immediately closed it again because it was sooooo long? There’s nothing wrong with being excited about your offer. But your readers are looking for quick, absorbable bite-sized phrases rather than paragraphs. Follow a logical structure while maintaining brief paragraphs of four sentences maximum. Bullets and subheadings are also a good email marketing tactic that can help make your emails more scannable.
Your CTA
A Call to Action or CTA is what you ultimately want your email reader to do. From clicking a link to download a freebie, to scheduling a call, to making a purchase, your CTA may vary from email to email. Some emails may even include more than one CTA. The important thing is that your CTA offers value to your reader depending on what stage of the sales funnel he or she is in.
Now that you understand the four most important elements of a good sales email, here are 5 templates that can help you get started. Use them individually to improve your current collection or use multiple as a series sent out over the course of a few days.
1. The Sales Pitch Follow Up

Hello <first name>!
Did you miss my <social media request/initial email>?
I wanted to connect because it looks like you’re <something they’re doing well that relates to your product or service>.
At <my company> we <describe what you do in 1 or 2 sentences>.
And if you want to learn more about how <specific product or service offer> can help you <what your product/service can do for them> all for about the cost of <something comparable, ie: a dinner out, a night at the movies> then email me back!
Don’t miss these recent <testimonials or case studies> <link to case studies, testimonials, etc.>. Needless to say, customer satisfaction is our thing!
I’d love to learn more about you and your needs around <share a product or service that may be useful to this lead>. How does <time> next Wednesday work?
Looking forward to hearing from you.

2. Another Type of Follow Up

Hello <first name>!
Did you miss my <social media request/initial email>?
I wanted to connect because it looks like you’re <something they’re doing well that relates to your product or service>. And I had to reach out to connect with you!
Did you know that <share an interesting statistic that relates to your product or service>?
But you don’t need to worry about that with <your company’s name>. That’s because we created <product or service> and it was made to help you <state a pain point your customer has that your product/service solves>.
How so? Check out this <infographic/blog/eBook> to learn more.
When you’re ready to talk about how I can help you <state a goal you can help your lead reach> then let’s connect. You can add time to my calendar right here <link to your scheduling tool>.
Looking forward to hearing from you.

3. Sales Email Offering Value

Hello <first name>!
When it comes to <your industry> I really enjoy <something you do frequently in your line of business>.
But you’re not into <what you sell that your lead doesn’t enjoy doing—but you do!>.
Thankfully, <company name> is. And maybe that is why we get asked this question so often: <Insert the #1 question you get asked about your product/service>.
I wish I could give everyone the same answer. But the truth is, <explain why your response varies per customer>.
But no matter who you are, there are a few things you can do in your pursuit of success. Like <share 1 thing you often tell customers to do>. Or <share 1 thing you often tell customers to do>.
Don’t believe me?
Then check this out. <link to an interesting asset your business uses to educate leads>
Intrigued? Then let’s talk. You can add time to my calendar right now <link to your scheduling tool>. I still have availability this week!
Looking forward to connecting.

4. Encourage Curiosity or Loyalty

Hello <first name>!
Did you know? <Share an interesting statistic about your industry>.
Interesting, right?
At <company name> <industry> is all we do. As it happens, we offer a lot of great resources on the subject, too. And if you want to be the first to see our latest and greatest <social media posts, blogs, articles, videos> then you should follow us on <social media channel> <link>.
Even if you decide not to follow us on social media, I hope to continue to connect in your inbox.
Talk Soon,

5. The Bold Ask/Pitch

Hello <first name>!
Chances are you <1 sentence about what your customer struggles with>. But what you WANT to be doing is <1 sentence about what your customer wishes was easier>.
It’s hard, isn’t it? Kind of an endless cycle.
The good news is that <company name> specializes in <1 sentence pitch of how you can help>.
And if you find yourself even the smallest bit intrigues by this email, then I invite you to schedule a call with me <link to you scheduling tool>.
Looking forward to it.